A capella choral singing enriches the lives of both the singers and their community. Harmony Sound Waves is proud to provide opportunities in performing arts for local singers of all levels. There is something magical and moving in music and choral singing. It is a joy to share in that experience and harmony through the support of our friends, family, and community.
We are always accepting tax-deductible donations via check or PayPal, but it means so much to us to merit your support through our fundraising efforts. Now through December 17th, please consider ordering our personalized Carol-O-Grams to treat your loved ones this holiday season!
Carol-O-Gram Song Options
Your personalized video will feature your choice of one of these three classic Christmas songs:

Ordering Instructions
Once you click the ad or the “Start My Order!” button, you’ll be redirected to an online ordering form. Enter your email address, name, and telephone number, then enter the recipient information for Card #1. You may choose to include a brief personal message to be displayed on your personalized video Carol-O-Gram.
You can use the form to order up to five Carol-O-Grams in a single submission. The final page of the order form confirms your order quantity and purchasing total. You may also include any questions, concerns, or special notes at the end of the order form.
Payment is issued separately from the order form via PayPal. You will receive two emails once you submit your order form:
1. The first email includes a copy of the order details you entered into the form. You may continue to make edits to your order details through the confirmation email until December 17th. Response editing will no longer be available as of December 18th.
2. The second email includes payment instructions and a link to our PayPal.
Once your purchased video is ready, the link to view the video on YouTube will be emailed to your recipient. Your email will be copied so you can see the card you sent! Orders are due by December 17th to ensure delivery by Christmas.
Already ordered and ready to submit your donation?
Please send your payment via credit card to our volunteer treasurer, JoAnn, on PayPal. Click “Send” to enter the payment portal. Enter your order total, then list your name (first and last) in the “+What’s this payment for?” field to help us match your funds to your order.
You will be asked to choose a payment type. Please recall that your purchase is a tax-deductible donation as we are a non-profit and are performing a fundraiser, not conducting business for goods and services. Select “For friends and family” then click the continue button to finalize your payment. The final window will prompt you to confirm your method of payment. Click “Send” to issue the funds.